About Me

“Aurora Store” - the name of this project that I want to be the beginning of my big dream.
My name is Rita and Aurora is a very special name for me, it was my grandmother's name.
It was through my grandmothers that the taste for fashion grew within me. As a child, I spent a lot of time in boutiques and despite being very young, that was where I liked to be. Dressing and undressing myself, facing characters depending on the clothes I was wearing was the game I enjoyed most.
Time passed and this taste for fashion was always present in my life. Ambitions change and perhaps because, from a very early age, I knew what I really liked, I always had a lot of doubts about what I should pursue at university or even what to work on.
From a young age, I combined studies with work, being fortunate enough to try many jobs and realize that what really made me happy was being a shopkeeper.
I also had the opportunity to experience working in a clothing store in a shopping mall and a street clothing store. It goes without saying that the street store has always fascinated me more, from the personalized service to the freedom and creativity that a street store offers, things that led me to dream of one day being able to have my own store.
After becoming a mother, I gained an inner strength that made me see that the ability to make dreams come true lies in each person's determination, ambition and resilience when faced with the most difficult situations.
I gained courage, I went against all my fears and today I am here presenting the beginning of my dream.
“Working, fighting and having faith”, are some of the characteristics that my grandmother had, they were the ones that I admired most and that is also why my project is named after my dear grandmother.
I hope to always be within your reach and help you with your choices. I know that for many women, clothes are the main weapon to raise their self-esteem and it is to satisfy and make my clients happy that I work.
I wish my and now your Aurora Store much success.
Hope you like it! ❤️